Monday, April 8, 2013

Love Issue

What attracted me to the site Oitzarisme a couple of years ago was owner, Constantin Nimigean's, enthusiasm for the visual arts coupled with his altruistic manner in posting about the artists he was finding from around the world. It kept me coming back to his site often and I was even able to connect a friend for an Issue of his online Magazine, Love Issue

After my self proclaimed baby creation sabbatical, I've begun to revisit many of the sites I used to go to to find inspiration - I'm happy to see Oitzarisme is still bringing it... big time. Constantin's passion is contagious and when I look through his site, I'm humbled by how many amazing photographers there are around the globe; I'm also inspired to keep moving forward. 

What Oitzarisme gives us, besides Constantin's viewpoint on what he's attracted to in the visual arts, is a look into the human landscape from around the globe. I enjoy looking through the work a few times before reading the text, because it's evident from the visuals alone, the "human story" is not bound by lines on a map. Oitzarisme, for me, becomes more than just a place to see great visual art, it is a place to connect with who we are through the lens of each artist. When constantly inundated with what's negative around the world via news sources, these artists give us emotions to connect ourselves to on a much more personal level. In turn, we realize we are all the same, although our circumstances may be different. These are the kind indispensable connections art provides to world. 

The web site Oitzarisme's offshoot is a publication called Love Issue. Love Issue was originally a virtual Magazine but is now available in print. I paid $10 (USD), which included shipping, for one issue and I was like a kid in a candy store when it arrived in my mailbox. With so many publications now online, it's so refreshing to have the real deal in your hands; and this magazine DOES NOT disappoint. I even ordered issue #8 in advance and I can't wait to get my hands on it. 

Bravo to Constantin Nimigean and his continued labor of love.  


  1. Wow! Thank you very much, Kristen, for this article. It means so much for me to read these wonderful worlds. My plan is to conquer the world with Love Issue making it less commercial and more powerful in stories that have to be told.
    I can't wait to send you Love Issue #8 and I'm really grateful for all who would like to buy in advance the magazine! On they will find the details or maybe they could write me at and talk about it.

    I will surely share these words with my friends tomorrow when they woke up.

    Thank you!


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