Thursday, January 20, 2011

A look back.

Since my last post, I've been thinking about my oldest son's involvement in my work. Even though yesterday's image was just a "snapshot", it brought me back. He's almost ten now and has played a role since he was just able to stand.  Below you will find one of the earliest images we made together. It was for a series I was working on when I was an undergraduate student. I stopped making the work when I went to graduate school and was given some... advice. But, that's a story for another day...



  1. I love this. The Kasebier and the Mann photos are perfect.

    Also, I look forward hearing that story another day. I've had some interesting undergraduate advice :)

  2. That is stunning! It's a treat to see your photos. In fact, I get a little upset when there is only one.. I want to see a lot in every post- but I know this is a good strategy for this blog! :)

  3. Thank you, Michelle. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm happy you keep coming back for more !


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