I'm finding myself once again stuck in the doldrums of February. The sky is gray, the snow is muddy and stained black, and since I've been sick for almost one month now, I haven't been able to enjoy my cold runs at night: my saving grace.
A well timed pick-me-up arrived in the mail, well actually it was sent to my parents address - but delivered nonetheless. I ordered it awhile back, then forgot, so it was a nice little surprise from the d o l d r u m s of February. This simple, straightforward bimonthly publication is from rural route two box two eight one http://rrtwo.wordpress.com/, deemed on their site, a photo zine, and that it truly is. The unassuming publication feels flimsy in your hands but don't be fooled, inside are well printed images and a simple layout, allowing the focus to remain on the work. You will find a short statement and bio from the two featured artists and quite refreshingly, nothing else. The longer I sit with it, the more impressed I am by this publication. You won't even find a bio on the folks who have created this Zine; to find out more, you must search a little deeper.
Volume One, Issue Two, features the work of James Luckett and Lydia Moyer. (Click on their names to visit their sites.)
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